Friday, May 20, 2011

The End of the World???

So there has been a lot of controversy about whether or not the world is going to end tomorrow. Guess what? I bet you we are all still here on Sunday. Look I'm not a religious radical, but that doesn't mean that I don't believe in an "end." Look I'm going to put this into my views and theories whether you believe them or not. We have to look at this from a scientific point of view, because in the Bible it says that NOBODY will know exactly when the end will be.
The thing is the world is a living breathing thing. It needs certain things to stay alive and sustain life. When all of it's resources drain the Earth then needs to regenerate, as does the solar system which is what resets the clock. The Earth still has plenty of resources for thousands of years. I'm going to say that it's not a super duper long time...not millions or billions, but at least thousands. By that time we will all be long gone and technology should be advanced enough to where we can travel far enough in the universe to find another suitable place to inhabit until the Earth can once again sustain life. I believe it's a cycle and I believe that the Earth has gone through this transition before. If there are aliens they were likely in this same predicament. God has set everything into a fine balance for us humans and for life to continue on. God is after all the ultimate scientist. Why else is everything so complicated. I believe that people do not give God enough credit. He perfected our bodies with the smallest details, down to the very cells coursing our veins, but yet we focus on this mystic and magic of life, and then science and religion try to figure out who is right and the hows, the whys, and the why nots. If God wanted us to have all the answers, we would. Stop panicing and just realize that God knows what is going on, even if we don't.

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