Friday, March 25, 2011

Freezing Rain and Cappuccinos

So I took a couple of days off from blogging. Not that I didn’t want to as there are a lot of topics that I wanted to cover. Mostly it’s from lack of a workable schedule in my life. Speaking of life…I went on my lunch hour to Starbucks and ordered the new Cocoa Cappuccino, something I normally wouldn’t do as I am partial to the cold drinks. However, today was a day that called for some warmth as it is nowhere to be found in the atmosphere that surrounds St. Louis.
For some reason I started to think about, what I used to believe, was my writing career. I remembered when I used to write on myspace and someone said, “I’m your biggest fan.” I don’t even remember who it was, one of my many subscribers at the time, but I remember thinking to myself, who would want to be my fan? I’ve never thought that I have had anything so remarkable to say that anyone would want to be a fan. Although, I had always hoped that I would make a career out of writing. After many failed attempts I thought to myself, perhaps I was meant to do something bigger. Unfortunately standing outside in the freezing rain drinking my cappuccino I realized that I’m not doing something “bigger.” It kind of puts things in a different perspective. I think that I should start writing again, if I can get past the horrid writer’s block that I have deemed my most dangerous nemeses. It’s worth a shot if just to get something into print. Something permanent before I die; and have made no mark other than whatever legacy I’ve left to my children. My words immortalized in some simple font upon simple off white pages that will likely be smeared years later from lack of care and consideration. Because after all, what brevity can be found in the bound pages of my mind’s work. Only time will tell if I can find the motivation to see my work to fruition. Let's hope that this time around it will be something worth reading.


  1. I think it would be cool to collaborate on something sometime. Just food for thought :-)

  2. Yeah...we should. What do you have in mind?
