Sunday, September 11, 2011

For Our Anniversary....

I sent an e-card to my husband that wasn't supposed to be seen until the 13th on our second anniversary. However, it was posted to him via facebook ahead of time. He sent me a card and a note in return. His words sweet, sincere, enduring.
However, I read it before laying down for a nap and when I awoke and went to the kitchen he asked me if I had gotten it. Still groggy I said, "Yes, I did. It was nice. Thank you." He looked at me with hurt and replied, "I had expected a different reaction." What kind of reaction should I have given my husband when I clearly hadn't come fully back into consciousness? I felt bad no doubt as he had shortly thereafter retreated to the bedroom to get in what little sleep he could for his overnight shift at work.
This anniversary is no doubt going to be nothing special in the way of celebration or gifts. Since losing my job we have had our moments of pinching pennies and do not have the money to do anything. The least I could do was make him know how much I loved him, which was the intent with the e-card. It seems that we have both been so preoccupied lately. He has to sleep during the day which leaves me alone during his slumber and alone in the night. The big bed feeling increasingly more empty and spacious as I fight to get comfortable knowing full well that he isn't next to me. In this dark emptiness I find my nights restless.
I consume myself pursing the aspects of my future career in journalism to the best of my ability to set the foundation for our future and happiness. I want nothing more to again to be a provider for my family so that they can have what they deserve, but as well I want to be happy and fulfilled doing it.
I love the support that my husband gives me and although he may sometimes think that I don't recognize his strengths and the positive element that he provides I do. I love him with all of my heart and soul. Looking forward to spending many more years together, growing up and graying together. I love you my dearest husband! Happy Anniversary.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Lots of Positive Changes

So since the ending of my previous job I have gone back to school. I am enrolled in Meramec Community College to get my AA in communication arts for journalism. The plan is to then transfer to SLU or Webster to get my Bachelors. I have a long road ahead of me, but I have gotten a jump start on his career. I started a second blog where I will post interviews from various people. Hopefully quite a few recognizable people i.e. musicians, authors, athletes, and whomever I feel is noteworthy that will give me their time.
I just did an interview with Steve Ewing from The Urge. It was a great article albeit short. I've seen some really positive feedback from Steve Ewing fans. This of course makes me very happy. I think that getting fired from my job in customer service was truly a blessing in disguise. I really didn't want to continue in that field and yearned to do some writing. I didn't really care whether it was a manuscript (which one day I will complete) or interviews. I still get to write.
I will continue to grow and progress to move forward in a more positive direction. My husband has been super supportive and that means a lot to me. My friends have also been very supportive of my efforts. I can only hope that one day I can have my own online magazine. Right now I have to take baby steps. Maybe I should call my former boss and thank her for letting me go!